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lord of the rings games
lord of the rings games How to paint a Uruk-hai Battering Ram!
by Flinch

To master the Uruk-hai in the Lord of the Rings Tabletop Battle Game, one must also master their machines of War. To start off with our Battering Ram we primer it black, and using Scorched Brown we coat the wood of the Battering Ram itself. Also Drybrush Boltgun Metal onto the Uruks and onto the front piece of the Battering Ram.

This being a rather simple piece to paint, we finish up with a light dry brush of Chainmail onto our Uruks, and paint the Leather bits of their Armor with Snakebite Leather. Then go ahead and get the last metal bits on the Battering Ram with Boltgun Metal, and you're set! Now poor a good amount of Bestial Brown onto the base of our piece, and dip it into Sand. Using our outdoor theme we then dab a bit of Goblin Green on the dried sand, and sprinkle some Terrain Grass or Flock to add the field effect to our Battering Ram. And thats all there is to it!

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