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lord of the rings games
lord of the rings games How to paint Legolas!
by Flinch

Let's take a look at how one goes about painting the Legolas model from Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings Tabletop Battle Game!

First we're going to prepare our model by spraying a thin coat of Black Spray paint onto the model. From here, after the paint has dried we'll start with Legolas' Elven Cloak. By mixing one part Enchanting Blue with two parts Goblin Green we will get a mixture that closely resembles the color required for his Elven Cloak. Now using careful stroaks apply the paint lightly to the model, take time to smooth the paint into the model. The primer coat of black spray paint will allow this 'clock color' to stick really well with a smooth texture.

Now we will apply a fine coat of Goblin Green to his shirt avoiding the V shape which will be painted another color. I used the Legolas statue from SideShow/WETA [pictured left] as a guide for this and also to make sure I got the colors right.

Mixing a little bit of Chaos Black into Bestial Brown we will apply this darker brown to the V area of Legolas' tunic, his shoulders, gloves, and boots.

Using Chainmail we apply a careful coat of paint to the light armor applied to Legolas' armor around his legs and arms.

Now we'll cover the area of Legolas' hair with Snakebite Leather, and avoiding the eyes and mouth we apply a coat of Bronzed Flesh to his face making sure we emphasis the points of his ears so they stand out. Do the same process with Bronzed Flesh to Legolas' hands. I also took what remained of our 'Cloak Color' and painted a very small bit of paint on his elven broach, and applied a dry brushing of Chainmail to emphasis the effect, then did the same with the buckles of his belt and quiver.

Very carefully we dry brush a coat of Bad Moon Yellow to Legolas' hair, and bring out the blonde look.

Our very last steps include a light dry brushing of Elf Flesh over the existing coat of Blonzed Flesh on Legolas' face and hands and applying a light coat of the 'cloak color' to Legolas' bow following up with a very light dry brushing of chainmail to add a shine.

Now, and this is optional but I think it adds a nice effect, you can take a small ammount of paint on the very tip of your brush and drag a few fine lines across Legolas' chest to mimic the silver leaf trim of his costume in the film.

Now you're ready to abuse your friends with Legolas' tripple shot! Of course you can go in and refine the area around his eyes, or add in your own touches and details to your model, but these simple steps prepare your model for combat, without too much time spent with the brush.

Painted a miniature already? Have pictures? Send them in! We'll feature them in our Games' Workshop customs gallery! Just drop em to and we'll put the best models up for all to enjoy!


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