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lord of the rings games
lord of the rings games Alessio Cavatore

"Working on a game directly based on The Lord of the Rings has been a dream come true from both my personal and professional point of view. And it just keeps on getting better with our forthcoming trip to what is essentially the home of Middle-earth and our visit to that veritable forge of ideas that is Weta Workshop!"

Born in Turin, Italy, on Valentine's Day, Alessio started out studying biology until he won the 1995 Italian Warhammer Championship and he decided to give it all up and play games instead. Well, actually he was initially hired by Games Workshop Italy as a translator but because he was about to win the Staff Warhammer Championship for the third time running he was finally offered a job with the world-renowned Studio as assistant games designer - it is well known that games designers are useless at playing their own games. Since then he has been responsible for the creation of many weird and wonderful creatures for one of Games Workshop's own key gaming systems Warhammer which has led to fame and fortune [well fame at least] among the Games Workshop community. In between signing autographs and being interviewed Alessio managed to find time to work on The Fellowship of the Ring strategy battle game together with Rick Preistly [his idol and mentor] and due to his outstanding work, he was promoted to Ring-bearer and put in charge of The Lord of the Rings strategy battle game system. The Two Towers is Alessio's most important work to date and he's just finished working on the first supplement to The Lord of the Rings gaming system using the Tolkien Enterprises license - Shadow and Flame. He is now very busy with The Return of the King. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the evil plot has worked - Alessio is now completely unable to win any game at all!


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