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lord of the rings games
lord of the rings games How to paint Uruk-hai Warriors v1!
by Flinch

If you picked up the Ballista boxed set, then you'll want to know how to paint these Metal Uruks, well they're pretty much the same as the Plastic Uruks, with a few slight variations. Go ahead and base coat your model with a spray of Chaos Black.

Now go ahead and drybrush your model with Boltgun Metal, and then paint the skin area with Bestial Brown. Some choose to highlight they're skin with a lighter coat of Bestial Brown, but for these purposes I went with just a solid brown so as not to stand out, were he a Captain I may take the extra time with his skin tones.

Now you simply want to make sure you're happy with the metal look of your Uruk-hai, and dry brush extra Boltgun Metal as needed, then toss on your terrain sand and you're set. The metal Uruks, in my opinion, have a better armored look than the Plastics, and while building an army of Metal Uruks can be costly, if you're really into the look and feel of your army, I'd recommend it.

Painted a miniature already? Have pictures? Send them in! We'll feature them in our Games' Workshop customs gallery! Just drop em to and we'll put the best models up for all to enjoy.


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