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Havens - Tolkien Gaming
Gaming Havens
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lord of the rings games
lord of the rings games
Middle-earth Online

For decades gamers have made do with any game they could to get their Middle-earth fix, with the 2005 release of Middle-earth Online there will no longer be a need for substitutes for Middle-earth Online is on its way. Weighing into the world of Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games, MEO promises to amaze. Just think of it, any time of day being able to log in and join in some Middle-earth fun with your friends across the globe all from the comfort of your home PC.

MEO Upgrade!
Posted by: Flinch

With all the curiosity and questions flying around about Universal's upcoming MMORPG, Middle-earth Online, so to make sure everyone is on the same page we have upgraded our Middle-earth Online section with a Resource Area which contains the latest info on how much MEO will cost, what kind of player options you'll have, and which races you'll be able to play!

Announcing Middle-earth Online!

Posted by: Flinch

We have been eagerly awaiting the announcement of Middle-earth Online and the time has finally come! With a great development team and Gaming Legend Chris Taylor at the helm, we're in good hands! Take a read through the official Press Release. [More]

Announcing Middle-earth Online! 05/09/03

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This site is maintained and updated by fans of The Lord of the Rings. We in no way claim the artwork displayed to be our own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, and related properties mentioned herein are held by their respective owners and are used solely for promotional purposes of said properties. Design and original photography however are copyright © 2003 ™ .